We like tenants to be able to hang pictures, after all, we want the house to be their home. But in the house I was working on today, the tenant got a little carried away and used wall anchors. Dozens of wall anchors. As I removed them, they left large holes, some of them as large as a penny.
That's too big to fill without some kind of backer. I have tried many approaches to filling that type of hole but today I had a stroke of what felt almost like genius. Backer Rod... it's a cylindrical foam that is used for back filling cracks that are too big to caulk without support. I happened to have a package of 1/2 inch backer rod in the truck that I had purchased for another project.
A utility knife, little cylindrical slices of backer rod, and voila - backed, fill-able holes. It's always a treat to find a simple solution. Holes filled, walls touched up, life is good. On to the next project.
Best of Parent Hacks: Summertime edition
11 years ago
A good, simple solution, well done.